February 8, 2011

NKBA and GE Charette Competition 2011

Students submitted projects to a national Kitchen and Bath competition and many of our students placed in the competition. 


1st place: Alexis Cannariato

 2nd place: Kimberly Fetzer

Honorable Mention: Jennifer McKell

Honorable Mention: Rebecca Butikofer 

GE Charette: 
4th place: Courtney Simper

 5th place: Jennifer McKell
Announcement ceremony

Kevin Eutsler of Dyno Nobel Inc.

Kevin Eutsler is a Senior Training Manager for Dyno Nobel Inc. He showed students the various personality types and how to interact with one another. He gave tips on how to read people and to adjust your work habits to work with someone of another personality type. The four personalities types are the guardians, the idealists, the artisans, and the rationals. Each of the personalities has different characteristics, values, and motto's that make up who they are. Learning about each of these personalities helps us to better understand people and allows is to better communicate and interact with every personality.

Kevin gave us four basic communication rules:

1. I spoke without thinking is totally untrue
2. Listening is under-valued, under-learned, and under-utilized
3. Who I am dictates How I am; How I am dictates What I do
4. We don’t see the world as it is; we see the world as we are

Meditation and Mindfulness by Gary Purse

Gary Purse from the BYU-Idaho Religion department and Gwenaelle Couliard a BYU-Idaho counselor came and met with students to discuss the benefits and techniques of meditation. Meditation is a beneficial practice that can help students to eliminate stress from their lives. “Neuroscientists have found that meditators shift their brain activity to different areas of the cortex - brain waves in the stress-prone right frontal cortex move to the calmer left frontal cortex. This mental shift decreases the negative effects of stress, mild depression and anxiety. The researchers found that the meditators showed a pronounced shift in activity to the left frontal lobe. In other words, they were calmer and happier than before.” (The Benefits of Meditation: Psychology Today, by Colin Allen, Apr 24 '03).
Other meditation benefits include:
 -Increases activation of left frontal regions, which lifts mood (Davidson 2004).  
 -Decreases stress-related cortisol (Tang et al. 2007).
 -Strengthens the immune system (Davidson et al. 2003; Tang et al. 2007).
 -Helps a variety of medical conditions, including cardiovascular disease, asthma, type II diabetes, PMS, and chronic pain (Walsh and Shapiro 2006). 
 -Helps numerous psychological conditions, including insomnia, depression, anxiety, phobias, and eatingdisorders (Walsh and Shapiro 2006)(http://pagingdrgupta.blogs.cnn.com/2010/12/06/mindfulness-as-good-as-antidepressant-drugs-study-says/)

 Emily Thompson, owner of Cure Touch Massage Therapy, conducted a workshop with students to teach them proper massage techniques and the positive effects it can have on one’s body. 

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